
Precious & Dionne's Journey

2 min read
1 New Cairo Road 56 resized

Precious & Dionne’s story

Cousins, Precious and Dionne had been living with their parents for long enough. After six months of looking for a home without success, their work colleagues recommended the London Living Rent scheme.

After Precious and Dionne read more about the London Living Rent and found Cairo New Road offered by Optivo, everything got easier. Red Loft were on hand every step of the way, to guide them through the process.

Now the two cousins are in their new apartment at Cairo New Road - At last, they can live with the independence they wanted so much. They are pleased with their new home and although they are not ready to buy a property just yet the London Living Rent scheme will allow them to save to buy a home in the future through Shared Ownership.

"It was the personal service from Joseph at Red Loft that made it happen."

Every journey with Red Loft is unique. Whether you’re looking for a subsidised rent or an affordable way to get onto the housing ladder we’ll help find your new home.

  • After many months looking for a home near London, Precious and Dionne were finding the task daunting.
  • Red Loft helped them through the application and credit checks, providing a detailed explanation along the way.
  • Their new home is ideally placed in the historic old town of Croydon and close to amenities.

"We knew where we stood and Joseph would always respond to calls when we weren’t sure about anything"

For further information on London Living Rent, click here.

We have helped hundreds of households get on the property ladder through London Living Rent. If you need help deciding whether London Living Rent is for you, get in touch today.

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